Home / Products / power/rack equipment / rack equipment / Rack Cabinet / 4U WALL MOUNT PATCH PANEL RACK SERVER EQUIPMENT NETWORK RACK SHELF
StarTech.com 2-Post 4U Open Frame Wall Mount Network Rack with Built-in Shelf and Adjustable Depth, Computer Rack for IT E ...Read More
StarTech.com 2-Post 4U Open Frame Wall Mount Network Rack with Built-in Shelf and Adjustable Depth, Computer Rack for IT Equipment, TAA~ - 2-Post 4U wall-mount server rack; 12-18" (30-45cm) mounting depth - Network rack with tapped rails to mount IT equipment to the rail - Open post wall rack; mounting holes 16"(40cm) apart - Wall mount data rack for SoHo - EIA/ECA-310-E, TAA Compliant~ Less
VPN: WALLSHELF4U SKU: 6F6351 UPC: 0065030866446
